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Semi-proto persona : make it happen with ChatGPT and Data analytics

Sep 27, 2022


  • Please note of all data here are confidential, numbers and figures will be mocked up.

This project aims to enhance UX maturity in the organization by creating a semi proto-persona that accurately reflects the user's needs and preferences. I will utilize both existing data and ChatGPT's insights to gain a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the user. By creating a semi proto-persona, we can better understand the user's motivations, preferences, and goals, allowing us to develop products and services that meet their needs. The semi proto-persona will include information about the user's demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, pain points, and goals. This information will be used to guide the development of products and services that meet the needs and expectations of the target audience, ultimately enhancing UX maturity in the organization. This project represents a powerful combination of data analysis and cutting-edge AI technology, resulting in a valuable tool for guiding product development and enhancing UX maturity in the organization.

Timeline My role

1 February 2023 - Current UX designer & Researcher

Data analyst

Prompt engineer


Merchant dashboard : What is it ?

Merchant Dashboard offers a central location for business owners and team members to access payment information, carry out day-to-day operations. On the dashboard, you can manage payments, view analytical data, and perform specific actions like refunds, respond to disputes, setup transfers, and more.

What happens to this dashboard ?

Last year, our team had made a decision to shift its dashboard version to the second version of it. After being utilized these functions and designs of old dashboard for many years, it was big changes on design to be more clean and user-friendly, response to today’s trends that aim to create more good user experience to user

Yet due to lack of enough user understanding, the change was somewhat different from we all expected in the beginning. When good aim to elevate user experience, turned out to be big frustration for user it was a top-down based decision and here was what happened. All Dashboard v1 users had totally been migrated to dashboard v.2, some banner appeared at the top to receive user feedbacks. 94% of feedbacks were negative, more shocking was 64 % which is blaming design, and bad UX.

Dig down into the problem

Tackling the root cause

When I dig down into a problem, I realized that this requirement was just one of a ton of problems. It was just big enough to knock everyone awake and see what happened when product development decision was not made based on user. In fact, most of past requirements and Jira tickets were made in regardless, or just little awareness of what UX is or what user really want. And it happens from the same root causes, here I listed out what I have encountered working here as a UX Designer

We are at level 0 of user-centricity!

After listing out, what I found working here. It can simply matches with level 0 when talking about user-centricity and stage 2 of UX maturity. Most of our team doesn't really have an idea who user is/ what is their pain points. Despite lack of understanding about users, everyone in our team is opened-minded and willing to learn, that is why I never get discourage at all!. Let's see how could we improve this together with team.

This is how my team looks like!

We are team of cross-functions consist of PMs, designer, QA engineer and software engineers. And even a designer has somewhat unclear picture of who is the user we are working for! and that is why I want to initiate this project.

Here is my goal !

Let ideate ideas to solve this

According to NN/g, there is two possible ways to improve UX maturity from stage 2 to upper ones. And I believe this could help improving user-centricity mindset of my teammates as well.

  1. Improving Culture

What we found on 2nd stage of UX maturity is the lack of understanding of UX across the organization. It's essential to communicate the benefits of UX to stakeholders and leaders, highlighting how it can align with their individual motivations. Prioritize UX projects that can have the biggest impact on what stakeholders value and use them as case studies to promote the benefits of UX.

  1. Improving Process

Process is another crucial factor that stage-2 organizations should prioritize, specifically the methods used for UX work. It's important to invest time in learning how to conduct design and research activities correctly, so that even if UX work is infrequent, it can be done effectively.

We decided to begin again with user persona!

Research Methodologies

Atomic research

Access to atomic research here (Please note that these information are for job application purpose only as it is sensitive and confidential, kindly do not share with other parties)

ChatGPT (example prompt)


  1. Ben, Hotel owner

    Overview : He is a business man who runs hotel and resort by his own, looking for an opportunity to provide his customer convenient payment options

2.Boy, IT officer

Overview : He is an IT officer in big corporate, where payment gateway has been a solution to provide their customer payment options. Boy's daily duty is to monitor and manage transactions made on dashboard.


Ticket evaluation

Compare Details of Jira ticket between two different range of time, before introduction of persona and after, Looking for details that mention about user

Here is criterions

  1. Ticket attaches user data to demonstrate intensity of user need, or user's frustration.

  2. Ticket mentions user and their use cases in its details

    2.1 Key words are - User, - Merchant, - end-customer, - buyer

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